“A river reaches places where it’s source never sees.”
Oswald Chambers
As a fly fisherman by passion, having spent many days and hours on various rivers in the country, this quote particularly captured my attention recently. When I step into any river, I am keenly aware that its source is way upriver from places of which I am unaware. I also know that while the river has cut its main course long before I arrived, I do not, and cannot know the fullness of its reach. Often, a river will flow outside of its banks during a spring run off or a heavy rain, making a new course.
This, in turn, has caused me to consider my own involvement in the lives of those I am blessed to serve both now and over time. Each day, I am presented with a new set of circumstances from those whom I know well and/or don’t know at all. I ponder the headwaters of their lives knowing full well that I cannot know well fully. I am simply meeting them on the course of their life’s “river” and am allowed to gently place a few drops of water.
Some of their river courses have all but dried up, parched and desperate for a cool drink, or refilling, reminding me of one of my favorite books, A River Runs Through It where the character Norman Maclean says, “Even the anatomy of the river was laid bare. Not far downstream was a dry channel where the river has run one…” Perhaps you have those in your life whose river has run low, or even seemingly dried up completely. At Serve Wenatchee, we are blessed by those interactions every day.
In these interactions, we can meet them, not necessarily at the source, but simply where we find them today. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is known to have said, “you can never step into the same river twice”, meaning that life is continually changing. The water in each of our rivers is replaced constantly, bringing us new circumstances, challenges, and opportunities daily. We do not and cannot know the effect of our interaction or the provision that we offer in that moment. I am increasingly convinced that our loving, compassionate response of a kind word, a needed resource, a bit of time, or a timely piece of advice are often, enough.
Through Serve Wenatchee, you have an opportunity to expand your reach as you volunteer your time and expertise or donate your resources of cash, food, furniture, or even a car. Each time you do, you are trusting that your contribution will have a meaningful impact though you cannot know for sure.
In this quote, we are drawn into the life of faith that we are called to live. This way takes our egos out of the way believing that our contribution, no matter how big or small, will have significance even though we likely will not know the reach the river will have downstream.
Mother Teresa once said, “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” I think that is true.